domingo, 27 de octubre de 2013

World War Z

Brooks, Max
World War Z
The Book of Major Sale of New York Times on the human survival zombie apocalypse. Told by the voices disturbing and fascinating men and women who were eyewitnesses to the horror

It has been 10 years since the official end of the zombie war, but human civilization is still on the brink of collapse. The world we once lived in is gone, never to return. However, humanity continues to survive despite the odds. This committee is designed to deal with physical threat of the millions of zombies that still infest the world and those lying dormant due to exposure to frigid climates. The threat has not completely vanished, so there is always the chance of another resurgence of the zombie horde. Warfare, economics and the global structure are vastly different from 20 years ago, so every delegate should be aware of the alterations of their country and others.

Although the initial outbreak is still a mystery, the first documented case of infection was in China. Through ignorance of the situation, the outbreak spread throughout China, but the infection was covered up by the government. The influx of military activity was reported as a measure against Taiwan. Due to human trafficking and black market organs, the infection spread to other countries, like the United States. However, once a large scale infection destroys Cape Town, South Africa, it became impossible to keep the situation muted. The Great Panic begins and the world starts a hasty and disorganized response to a seemingly impossible threat. Israel quarantines itself and closes off its borders. Anybody infected is killed. Pakistan and Iran destroy one another through nuclear war. The United States suffers an overwhelming loss at Yonkers, New York due to ineffective tactics designed for a completely different bread of enemy. Zombies cannot be intimidated, they cannot surrender, they have no fear of death and everyone they kill joins their numbers. Human civilizations lose ground to the zombie hoards. The United States flees to the Rocky Mountains, Japan evacuates the country for South Korea and may refugees move to the North and island communities. Much of Europe is infested, but historical forts and other defensive measures allows for survival. An ex-apartheid government official, Paul Redeker devises a plan of creating small safe
zones that use natural defenses and to use a larger amount of people outside the safe zone as bait. This plan is wildly effective and is soon implemented around the globe.  Months after the initial outbreak in China, the United States goes on the offensive by scraping their previous military tactics in favor of more effective ones. They manage to reclaim many isolated colonies of survivors. The rest of the world adopts similar tactics, relying on slow methodical shots to take down the enemy. Explosives have been disregarded because they are ineffective at killing zombies, who can only die from a shot to the brain. Landmines, lasers and grenades are completely ineffectual.

 Current Situation
Many countries vastly altered their status during the zombie war. Due to Cuba’s isolated state and strict border control, it has become the wealthiest and safest country in the world. Fidel Castro has stepped down and allowed for a democratic Cuba. China’s communist government has been destroyed after a civil war broke out and the government bunker was bombed with intercontinental ballistic missiles and has become vastly under populated due to the zombie infection. Tibet has become a free nation and boasts the world’s most populated city. Russia has become a theocracy and Iceland is now a dead-zone, supporting nothing but zombies. Lastly, North Korea has become deserted after every man, women and child were ushered into underground vaults. Their fates are still unknown. Countries like Japan and the United States are slowly recovering, but the casualty toll from the zombie war leaves the situation constantly dire. The social-economic hierarchy has been upturned with blue-collar jobs being highly sought after and the once second-rate citizen immigrants more important than lawyers and accountants.

Humanity has been devastated by this war, but the ecological impact is staggering. Zombies attack animal and human species alike, with not discernable distinction. There have even been reports of zombies fighting sharks. Many slow moving animals have become endangered because of the zombies and due to their ability to survive underwater, zombies have also cause nearly every species of whale to become extinct. There are still an estimated 25 million zombies walking the ocean floor. Wild fires and pollution ran rampant during the early years of the zombie war and the air quality has severely diminished. Due to Iran and Pakistan’s nuclear war, that general area has become inhabitable and unsalvageable. Global temperatures have dropped slightly, probably due to the large amount of ash and pollutants.

Topic 1: Disposal of Zombies
With the invention of the “Lobos” a melee weapon specifically designed to kill zombies, and the major changes to modern warfare, killing zombies has become simpler. However, the disposal of corpses has become a pressing issue. Now that the zombie war has ended, the disposal of the millions of undead corpses has become an ethical concern, as well as a practical one. Zombies can migrate thousands of miles, through land and sea, tirelessly. Many infected have been disposed of through incineration, but now families want the corpses extradited back to their country so the deceased can have a proper burial. The shipping of zombie corpses is against the foreign policy of many nations and the time and trying to identify the bodies, some of which have rotted, would be difficult. This conflict must be dealt with because we don’t have the time to squabble amongst ourselves les the zombies gain a stronger foothold in our territory.

Topic 2: White Zones
Although humans have reclaimed many major cities, 85% of the world is still infested with zombies. If humans are to reclaim more of its lost terrain, we need to decide on how to deal with the infested zones. Manpower will not be enough to completely eliminate the zombie threat. New methods must be decided on to reclaim land. The Redeker plan was a suitable, if not costly, defensive measure, but that implied that the zombies were the ones on the offensive. Now that humanity is trying to counter the zombies, a new plan must be drafted. By altering military training strategies to rely on slow, methodical shots instead of spray-and-pray tactics and the creation of the Lobos, we have found a better way to eliminate our enemy. Similar innovations must be used when we think of how effectively route the undead from our homes.

Topic 3: Possible Cure
Despite the confidence scam preformed by corrupt pharmaceutical developer Brekenridge Scott, the possibility of a cure has not been fully explored. For the past few years, the entire world’s time and resources have been spent containing any new threats and reestablishing civilization. The issue of global security has improved enough to accept further investing into this topic. World resources must be used sparingly as extracting new materials, like fuel, wood and minerals has become nearly impossible. The development of any and all vaccines would have to be a joint operation, as no single country has enough materials to work alone. However, there is still lingering skepticism from the Phalanx cure, which was designed to combat African rabies, but was marketed to prevent the zombie infection.
Battle of Yonkers

Map of Safe Zones


Before we can fight this enemy, we must first understand it. Zombies have been portrayed in many lights, so understanding what type of zombie apocalypse we are dealing with is essential. It remains a mystery how the living dead began to walk this Earth, so we can’t discredit any source material. Whether from biological means, technological ones or something even more sinister, being educated on the topic will help you survive. Learn to compare different types of zombies and conclude the variations between them. The tides of war can change in an instant and this is no exception. Although we no longer call this situation a “war”, it would be foolish to ignore viable leads to destroy our undead enemy. Here are some materials that have been glorified as the most useful for learning about the various types of zombies.

  • World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War (Book)
    • The main material for this council, this book is a documentary of the Zombie War with commentary from important political figures, strategists and survivors.
  • The Zombie Survival Guide (Book)
    • A how-to guide for fighting the undead. It details possible attacks of zombies, throughout history. This book is a must for anyone looking to not only survive, but thrive in an infested world.
  • World War Z Online (
    • The online source relating the World War. The site has audio clips from the book and a simulator to gauge the likeliness of your survival.

  • Shaun of the Dead (Movie)
    • Britain suffering minimal losses during the Great Panic, but there were still casualties. However, this movie is a testament to their ingenuity and ability to recover quickly.
  • The Walking Dead (TV Show)
    • The Undead plagued the United States as it did with nearly every other country around the world, however as this show indicates there were people who managed to regroup, survive and repel the undead.
  • Evil Dead (Movie)
    • Highlight a possible mystic origin to the zombies, Evil Dead is best viewed as a morale booster and a lesson in survivability.
  • Dawn of the Dead (Movie)

    • Possibility the most accurate to the current crisis, this movie portrays a world that is quickly overcome by zombies and is unaware of its true threat. The reanimated corpses are most like the ones we are dealing with in this committee
  • Fido (Movie)
    • A possible future after the end of the zombie war. If we further our research into the zombies, who knows what the future could be like. Having zombies as pets may become a part of everyday life.
  • Resident Evil (Video Game)
    • These games provide zombie virtual training on how to fight zombies. Survivors can learn item management and ammunition conservation, as well as how to react in case the zombies mutate into more dangerous forms.
  • Dead Rising 2 (Video Game)
    • Since many cities and towns remain infested, there are probably still pockets of survivors, trapped and surrounded. This game is a helpful tool that simulates such an experience. The game functions around rescuing fellow survivors and being resourceful in order to survive. Also, it deals with the topic of how to combat against human foes that have become violent during to apocalypse.

Be Prepared

Typical costumes of the world

Dress and Adornment

An element of surface culture which helps distinguish one culture from another and even between subcultures within a culture.

It may be much more than just an adaptation to the physical environment.

It may be also an expression of concepts held within the deep culture of the society.


Clothing style of women and girls in the Quichè highlands of western Guatemala. 

While it is more common in developing countries to see women and girls wearing traditional clothing (with men more commonly wearing western-style clothing), men in rural regions may still prefer traditional styles of dress (Santiago Atitlàn, Guatemala).


Samoan chief in traditional clothing. Notice the tattoo adornment  on leg and torso also.

Spanish girls dancing at a feria (a fair), Jerez, Spain. In western, developed countries some styles of folk dress may still be worn.  

A popular style of clothing among young Chinese males.  

The ubiquitous Mao suit; a garment of choice in China since 1949 when the communist/Maoist era began. 

Kazakh rider in the Alatau range south of Almaty, Kazakhstan; a region of the world traditionally inhabited by nomadic horsemen.     

domingo, 6 de octubre de 2013

Exercise "The past unreal conditional"


1. If I had not fought were my wife, I hadn't ever thought married.


2. If I had managed to slow down the new car wouldn't have beaten the dog.


3. If I hadn't eaten seafood,
I wouldn't have been an upset stomach at home.

Grammar Practice. One separete sheet of paper, rewriter the following past unreal conditional sentences; using the invert form.

1. They would have lent her the money if she had asked.
Invert form:    They would have lent her the money had she asked.

2. If I had been debt free, I would have considered buying that house.
Invert form:    Had I been debt free, I would have considered buying that house.

3. If the carsons hadn't been able to support their son, he would have had to find a part-time job.
Invert form:   Had the carsons not been able to support their son, he would have had to find a part-time job.

4. Could you have gotten the car if they hadn't raised the price?
Invert form:    Could you have gotten the car had they not raised the price?

Integrated Practice. make statementof buyer's remorse, using the invented form of the past unreal conditional and the vocabulary. Compare statements with partner.

1. .......I would never have bougth that espresso maker.
It so hard to operate I would never have bougth that espresso maker.
Invert form: Had it helped  I would never have gotten that espresso maker.
2. .......we neverwould have bought such a large sofa.
It takes up so much room we neverwould have bought such a large sofa.
Invert form: Had it occupied  much room we never would have bought such a large sofa.
3. .......I could have gotten an entertainment center with fewer pieces.
It just sits around collecting dust I could have gotten an entertainment center with fewer pieces.
Invert form: Had it bought something simpler could have gotten an entertainment center with fewer pieces to arm
4. .......we probably would have bought a more economical car.
It costs so much to maintain we probably would have bought a more economical car.
Invert form: Had it cheaper to maintain we probably would have bought a more economical car.

5. .......I would have gotten a DVD player with simpler directions.
It's so hard to put together I would have gotten a DVD player with simpler directions.
Invert form: Had it bought a product smaller I would have gotten a DVD player with simpler directions.

sábado, 5 de octubre de 2013

Controlling your personal debt

Learn how to control your personal debt and accomplish your financial goals, by making your personal debt work for you.


 1. Americans are loaded with credit-card debt. 

Americans at least have a credit card debt of $ 15.950 , and the average interest rate runs in the mid-to high teens at any given time .

2. Some debt is good.

The loan for a home or college usually makes sense. Just make sure you do not borrow more than you can afford.

   3. Some debt is bad .

Bad idea to get the card for things you consume quickly, eg meals and vacations, if you can not pay the debts in a month or two. There's no faster way to fall into otherwise it is better to save and paying so things can go entirely without debt.

4. Get a handle on your spending.

Write down everything you spend a month, cut back on things they do not need, and start saving the extra money or use it to reduce debt quickly cancel .

5. Pay the highest rate debts first .

Pay first loan balances or credit cards of interest while paying at least the minimum to all its other debt .

6. Do not fall into the trap minimum .

If only dedicated to pay the minimum , it will take years to pay off your balance , and potentially you 're going to spend thousands of dollars more than the original amount to be charged .

7. Watch where you borrow .

It may be convenient to borrow against your home or your 401 ( k ) to pay the debt , but it can be dangerous. You could lose your home or fall short of their investment objectives in retirement.

8. Expect the unexpected .

Make an emergency fund to think ahead and save at least something meaningful for an emergency.

9. Do not rush to pay off your mortgage .

Do not pay all your debt which has a low interest rate since this makes you run out of capital and so will he come down to borrowing potential.

10. Get help as soon as you need it.

Look for people specialized agencies that help minimize your debts.

In the following video we can see

Dealing with debt is a daunting task that many people find confusing. BDO Canada provides information and solutions to treat and manage their debt. In general, there are three methods to choose from when it comes to debt solutions: Options do-it-yourself solutions, formal or informal and legal solutions.

For more information about which of these options is right for you, talk to BDO.