domingo, 6 de octubre de 2013

Exercise "The past unreal conditional"


1. If I had not fought were my wife, I hadn't ever thought married.


2. If I had managed to slow down the new car wouldn't have beaten the dog.


3. If I hadn't eaten seafood,
I wouldn't have been an upset stomach at home.

Grammar Practice. One separete sheet of paper, rewriter the following past unreal conditional sentences; using the invert form.

1. They would have lent her the money if she had asked.
Invert form:    They would have lent her the money had she asked.

2. If I had been debt free, I would have considered buying that house.
Invert form:    Had I been debt free, I would have considered buying that house.

3. If the carsons hadn't been able to support their son, he would have had to find a part-time job.
Invert form:   Had the carsons not been able to support their son, he would have had to find a part-time job.

4. Could you have gotten the car if they hadn't raised the price?
Invert form:    Could you have gotten the car had they not raised the price?

Integrated Practice. make statementof buyer's remorse, using the invented form of the past unreal conditional and the vocabulary. Compare statements with partner.

1. .......I would never have bougth that espresso maker.
It so hard to operate I would never have bougth that espresso maker.
Invert form: Had it helped  I would never have gotten that espresso maker.
2. .......we neverwould have bought such a large sofa.
It takes up so much room we neverwould have bought such a large sofa.
Invert form: Had it occupied  much room we never would have bought such a large sofa.
3. .......I could have gotten an entertainment center with fewer pieces.
It just sits around collecting dust I could have gotten an entertainment center with fewer pieces.
Invert form: Had it bought something simpler could have gotten an entertainment center with fewer pieces to arm
4. .......we probably would have bought a more economical car.
It costs so much to maintain we probably would have bought a more economical car.
Invert form: Had it cheaper to maintain we probably would have bought a more economical car.

5. .......I would have gotten a DVD player with simpler directions.
It's so hard to put together I would have gotten a DVD player with simpler directions.
Invert form: Had it bought a product smaller I would have gotten a DVD player with simpler directions.

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